The Great Big Body Book by Mary Hoffman

Book Review

A short overview of this book

The Great Big Body Book by Mary Hoffman is a lovely book that helps kids to understand that bodies come in all shapes and sizes. And as we change from babies to children to teenagers to adults, our bodies change too!

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Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 5 to 8 years.

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Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak, your friendly Sex Ed Rescue educator. Today, I want to tell you about this lovely book I came across called The Great Big Body Book by Mary Hoffman and Ross Acquis. I absolutely adore their books because they have the most gorgeous illustrations, kind of like the Babette Cole books from England.

Now, this book is all about bodies. It’s not just about genitals or how babies are made. It’s a book that celebrates our bodies and all the amazing things they can do. It starts off with a simple illustration of a body, no clothes or anything. It’s a reminder that we all have bodies, both on the outside and on the inside, with bones and all.

The book goes on to talk about how we grow and change from being a baby to going through puberty, becoming adults, and even getting old and eventually passing away. It’s a journey that we all go through, and the book beautifully captures that. It shows different people who grew up to be writers, doctors, ballet dancers, and more. It emphasizes that we all start off small and that even the Queen was once a baby!

One of the great things about this book is that it acknowledges that bodies come in all shapes and sizes. We may look different on the outside, but we all have the same stuff on the inside. It’s a reminder that our bodies are unique and special, and that’s totally okay.

The book also touches on the topic of gender. It explains that when a baby is born, people often want to know if it’s a boy or a girl. But it also acknowledges that not everyone fits neatly into those categories. Some people may not feel completely comfortable in the body they were born in, and that’s okay. The book encourages us to just be ourselves and not worry about fitting into boxes.

As we grow older, our bodies go through changes. Puberty brings about all sorts of transformations like growing hair in different places, developing breasts, and yes, even penises getting bigger (though the book doesn’t explicitly say that). It’s a safe and gentle way to talk about these changes.

The book also talks about pregnancy and how women can have babies. It reminds us to take care of our bodies by eating properly, exercising, and seeking medical help when needed. It even touches on the fact that sometimes bones break and kids can get sick too.

But it’s not just about our physical bodies. The book also explores our minds and senses, like sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. It mentions how some things, like red hair or being good at certain activities, can run in families.

Towards the end, the book addresses the topic of growing old and eventually dying. It’s a sensitive way to introduce these concepts to children.

Overall, The Great Big Body Book is a unique and wonderful resource for talking about bodies at every stage of life. It celebrates our differences and reminds us that it’s okay to be different. I personally love this book, and I wish I had discovered it when my own kids were younger. It’s definitely a great addition to any bookshelf!

I hope this review helps you understand what a fantastic resource this book is for discussing bodies, gender, and the changes we go through. Remember, everyone is different, and that’s something to celebrate. Cheers!

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