The Things We Can’t Unsee by Kerri Isham

Book Review

A short overview of this book

The Things We Can’t Unsee: How to Talk to Your Kids About Pornography by Kerri Isham will help parents with starting conversations with their child about online pornography.

This book will help parents to start meaningful conversations with their child about the harmful effects of porn and what they should do when they find it. It takes a no-blame approach and encourages families to work together on making kids feel safer online.

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 8 to 12 years.

Buy this book

You can buy a copy of  The Things We Can’t Unsee by Kerri Isham from the Author’s website, Power Up Education.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak, and welcome to Sex Ed Rescue, my YouTube channel where I review books and help parents navigate sex education. I also have a website where I show parents a better way to talk to their kids about love, sex, relationships, and porn. Speaking of which, let’s dive into a book that can really help with that conversation.

The book is called The Things We Can’t Unsee: How to Talk to Your Kids About Pornography by Kerri Isham from Canada. It was published in late 2019 and has been making waves since then. Kerri is a seasoned sex educator who wrote this book because she noticed that kids are starting to ask questions about pornography at a younger age. Let me give you a sneak peek into what this book covers.

It starts off with a catchy rhyme that follows the story of an average boy who likes browsing the internet. His grandparents and grown-ups have warned him about the potential dangers and things he might see that he won’t be able to forget. And that’s what this book is all about.

You see, when kids come across sexually explicit images or disturbing content, it can leave a lasting impact on their minds. It’s completely normal for their bodies to react and for them to feel uncomfortable or different. We need to let kids know that these feelings are okay.

In the story, the boy sees something that upsets him and he doesn’t know what to do. But he remembers what his dad said and decides to talk to him about it. His dad understands and together they set up some software blocks to make it harder for porn to come through. This way, the boy feels safer going online.

The next day at school, the boy encounters someone showing him a picture and he confidently tells his friend that porn is not good. He explains that it can change the way you think and feel, and that it’s not real. Science even says it can affect your mind like a swarm of bees! So, if you ever come across something like that, remember to talk to someone you trust and ask questions. It’s totally okay to explore, but we just need to be aware of the impact porn can have.

At the end of the book, there are some helpful resources and Kerry’s website also has great information on this topic. It’s a fantastic tool to start those important conversations with your kids about porn.

I hope this summary was helpful to you. Cheers!

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