The Very First You by Scott Stuart

Book Review

A short overview of this book

The Very First You by Scott Stuart is The Very First You by Scott Stabile is a lovely picture book for children that embraces uniqueness and how special you really are. This book covers the important themes of self-acceptance, diversity, and equality. Conversations that are important and will help your child to accept their own uniqueness, as well as in others too!

This author has more books on similar themes.

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 3 to 7 years.

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✅ Buy a copy of The Very First You by Scott Stuart from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak, and welcome to Sex Ed Rescue. This is where I help parents find a better way to talk to their kids about sex. I also love reviewing books, and today I want to tell you about a fantastic one called The Very First Year by Scott Stuart. It’s an Australian book, and there’s actually a whole series of them.

These books are all about embracing who you are and celebrating diversity. It’s so important to have these conversations with our little ones from a young age. We want them to understand that it’s totally okay to be different, whether it’s them or their friends. When we can have these conversations, it helps kids grow up to be more accepting and open-minded.

Now, I have to apologize because this book is pretty new, and I couldn’t get my hands on a physical copy. But let me tell you, my local library in Perth is amazing! They have book budgets, and I can request books all the time. It’s a total lifesaver for me because I can review them without having to buy them. Plus, the library itself is just stunning. It’s this huge circular building with beautiful rooms and a grand staircase. We love going there.

But back to the book! The Very First Year is all about embracing your uniqueness and boosting self-esteem. It’s filled with little stories and words of encouragement. It talks about how you’re the best there’s ever been and how your smile is one-of-a-kind. It covers all sorts of things about being unique and reminds kids that it’s okay to be themselves.

There’s a part in the book that goes like this: Will you speak? Will you shout? Sit in or stand out? Will you do things that fill you with glee? Whatever you choose to do in your life, here is one thing that is true: there’s a hole in the universe built right to size to be filled by the very first you. Isn’t that beautiful? It encourages kids to be independent and true to themselves, reminding them that the world needs people just like them.

I truly believe that messages like this are incredibly important. And when we have books like The Very First Year, we don’t have to remember to have all these conversations ourselves. The books do it for us, making our lives a little easier. So, if you’re in Perth and your local library is the Perth City Library, you can go borrow this gem and read it for yourself.

Alright, enough about the book. It’s the weekend here, and I’m enjoying the sound of birds chirping outside. The magpies haven’t started swooping yet, so I can actually go to our local park. Those magpies are pretty smart, you know? They remember me from that one time I sat under their tree. Even if I try to disguise myself, they still recognize me. It’s a bit funny, really. If you’re in Australia, you’ll totally get what I mean. If not, well, you might be a bit confused!

Anyway, I’m going to stop rambling now and go grab some breakfast. I hope you have a fantastic weekend or an amazing week, depending on when you’re reading this. Take care and cheers!

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