Tough Guys Have Feelings Too by Keith Negley

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Tough Guys Have Feelings Too by Keith Negley is a great book for addressing stereotypes about masculinity ie boys can’t cry. It will help parents to address gendered messages about boys having to be tough and not being able to cry and show feelings.

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Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 4 to 7 years.

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Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak, and welcome to Sex Ed Rescue. This is where I help you find better ways to talk to kids about sex. It’s also my YouTube channel, where I review tons of books and cover all the different topics that are a big part of sex education. Today, I want to talk about a book that’s all about feelings, and it’s a great one for boys or male children because it tackles those tough guy stereotypes head-on.

The book is called Tough Guys Have Feelings Too by Keith Negley, and let me tell you, I really love the artwork in it. You see, no matter how hard we try to be gender-neutral in our parenting, kids still pick up on stereotypes and gender stuff. It’s just how their little brains work. Many boys grow up with tough guy toys like superheroes, and some girls do too. But let’s not get into a debate about nature versus nurture right now, okay?

The important thing is that being a tough guy isn’t always easy. And guess what? Boys are allowed to show their feelings, just like girls. Books like this one are so important because they help boys understand that it’s totally okay for them to feel and express their emotions. They won’t be seen as weak or teased for being girly or anything like that. These harmful stereotypes have been around for a while, but it’s time to break free from them.

The book shows that tough guys have feelings too, even when they’re with their best friends or when they’re on top of the world but feeling lonely. Sometimes things don’t work out, and that can be frustrating. It’s like a cowboy falling off their horse or someone trying to dig for treasure but not finding it, no matter how strong they are. And hey, in one picture, there’s a tough guy with long hair. It might not even be a boy or a man!

The book also teaches that it’s okay for tough guys to care about cute little animals they find on the road. Even though they may look big and tough, they can still show love and affection, just like the tough guys in the book who love each other very much, like a father and son reading a book together.

I really love how simple and beautiful this book is. Sometimes kids turn their noses up at certain books, but if you can find one with a more masculine or boyish element to it, you can still have a meaningful conversation with your child. For example, my daughter used to hate playing with building blocks and Lego. But one day, I caved and got her a pink set of blocks, and guess what? She played with them for hours! Sometimes you just have to weigh things up and focus on the bigger picture. One pink toy among all her other toys wasn’t going to send negative messages. It’s all about finding what works for your child.

So, having a book like Tough Guys Have Feelings Too with a masculine touch is a great way to start a conversation with your boy about the fact that boys have feelings too, and it’s totally okay to show them and embrace them.

I hope this helps you out. Cheers!

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