Untangled by Lisa Damour

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Untangled by Lisa Damour guides parents through their child’s adolescence, offering practical advice that ensures they will thrive (and not just survive).

This book provides parents with insight into kids as they progress through puberty and adolescence. The author breaks it up into 7 stages that all girls transition through on their journey to adulthood.

Personally, this book gave me an understanding of what was happening to my daughter and it changed the way I reacted to my daughter and her relationships at school. Meaning that I am now supporting my daughter in a way that I never could have before!

Feedback from parents of boys is that this book is very relevant for them, and as my own boy grows up, I am now seeing these stages happening in him.

I now recommend this book to parents of all kids (not just girls).

Ideal Age

This book is for parents.

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Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I want to chat with you about this amazing book I came across. It’s called Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions into Adulthood. Trust me, it’s almost like a novel, there’s just so much to say about it!

So, let me start by saying that I wish I had found this book three years ago when my daughter was around nine years old. Back then, the girls in her class started getting a bit nasty, playing games, and being mean to each other. I didn’t really know how to handle it at the time. But after reading this book, my perspective has completely changed.

Untangled breaks down everything teenage girls go through during puberty, helping them grow up to be well-adjusted and healthy young adults. It explains their behaviors and the reasons behind them. And let me tell you, understanding the why has made a huge difference in how I react when my daughter comes home from school and tells me about the drama. I can see how the girls are acting differently now compared to before, and it’s been a game-changer for me.

I absolutely love this book and have recommended it to so many of my friends and parents who reach out to me for advice. And you know what? Every single person I’ve recommended it to has come back to me and said, Thank you! This book has saved my sanity! It’s that good.

What’s even better is that the author, Lisa Damour, has a fantastic website with a newsletter that provides even more helpful information. You don’t have to sit down for an intense conversation to learn everything. Her newsletter keeps you updated and provides valuable insights. Plus, her website has some great resources for parents too.

Honestly, this is currently my favorite parenting book. I just wish there was a similar version for boys based on her experience working with teenage girls. But hey, if you have a daughter, I highly recommend getting your hands on this book. It’s a game-changer, trust me.

Hope this helps! Cheers!

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