Welcoming Womanhood by Kate Waud

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Welcoming Womanhood by Kate Waud provides girls with a positive introduction to menstruation and becoming a woman,  whether they have started their periods or not.

It takes a holistic approach and provides an opportunity for mothers to share their own stories with their daughters.

Sexual intercourse is NOT talked about in this book.

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 10 to 13 years.

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Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! So, I wanted to share this awesome book with you called Sort of Welcoming Womanhood by Kate Waud. It’s written by an Australian woman who does workshops for girls on their special day of celebration. You know, that moment when they transition into womanhood. It’s all about turning this experience into something positive and empowering.

Now, I’ll be honest, I’m not your age, so I might not use all the right words or jargon, but I promise to be upfront about that. This book really caught my attention because it takes us back to the days when becoming a woman was a whole family affair. It wasn’t just a private conversation with your mom, but something the entire extended family got involved in.

But times have changed, right? Nowadays, we tend to live in our own little worlds. We go to work, our kids go to school, and we come home to our own little bubble. We might not even know our neighbors that well. It’s a different kind of community now, more scattered and disconnected.

That’s why I love this book. It offers a way to make getting your first period and becoming a woman a meaningful experience, rather than just a biological process. Let me quickly show you what’s covered in the book. Sorry about the glare from the window, by the way.

It starts off with blessings to your daughter and helps her explore her feelings about this new phase of life. Then it dives into the anatomical changes, explaining what happens before and during ovulation. It’s not just about blood coming out every month, there’s more to it than that. The book also talks about fertility and has some lovely illustrations of the vulva, keeping it real and natural.

It covers different products like tampons, pads, and even sea sponges. It’s important for girls to know about these options. And here’s something cool: the book suggests ways to celebrate this milestone. Turning the first period into a celebration of fertility and the transition from childhood to adolescence and adulthood. Isn’t that nice?

Research actually shows that having a positive experience with menstruation can have lifelong implications for self-esteem and body image. So it’s not just about the physical stuff, it’s about the emotional and mental aspects too.

The book also touches on cycle charting, which can be a bit complex, but it’s helpful for girls to have an idea of when their period might start. That way, they can be prepared and avoid any surprises when they’re out and about.

I hope this gives you a good sense of what the book is all about. I’ve personally enjoyed reading it and have even shared it with my own daughter. It’s a great resource for supporting our girls and making this journey into womanhood a positive and empowering one. Cheers!

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