When I’m Feeling Love by Trace Moroney

Book Review

A short overview of this book

When I’m Feeling Love by Trace Moroney is a lovely book that is perfect for helping kids to understand what love is (and what it can feel like).

Books about feelings are important, as they help children to recognise, understand and manage their own feelings. So it is always a good idea to have a few books about feelings in your collection, that you can keep coming back to.

This book belongs to the Feelings Series, which includes other books on feeling happyangrysadlonelykindjealousdisappointednervous and scared.

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 3 to 8 years.

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✅ Buy a copy of When I’m Feeling Love by Trace Moroney from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak, and I’m here to help you with Sex Ed Rescue. On my YouTube channel and website, I review books that make sex education easier for parents and kids. I provide resources and information to help you have open and honest conversations about sex. Today, let’s talk about love and how to discuss it with children.

Love is a big topic, just like relationships. You know, there are different kinds of love. For example, you might know someone at the corner shop, but they might not be someone you invite over for Christmas dinner. But hey, every family is unique, right? So it’s important to talk to kids about the different types of love.

These books by Trace Moroney are fantastic for exploring various topics, and today we’re focusing on love. When we feel love, it’s like having hundreds of butterflies dancing in our hearts. It makes us want to dance, sing, and conquer mountains while shouting I love you! Love gives us warm and fuzzy feelings, making us feel safe.

Feeling love also brings happiness and confidence. It’s those little things, like when a friend puts their arm around us and says, Thank you for being a good friend, or when our dog licks our face, or when our parents tuck us in at night. When someone loves us, it helps us feel like we belong in the world and that we’re accepted for who we are, even the naughty bits. Love can even make our worries go away and teach us how to be loving towards others.

This book is a great tool for starting a conversation about love. At the end, there are some notes to help you describe what love means to you. You can also name some people and pets that you love and explain why you love them. It’s all about having a chat and sharing what love means to each of us.

I hope this was helpful! Cheers!

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