Where Did I Really Come From by Narelle Wickham

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Where Did I Really Come From by Narelle Wickham is a book that provides a very straightforward and non-judgemental approach to answering kids questions about where babies come from.

It talks about sexual intercourse and the other ways that babies can be made: donor insemination and IVF. It also talks about how a pregnancy develops, the birth (vaginal and caesarean) and the other ways a baby can join a family (adoption and surrogacy).

This book DOES talk about sexual intercourse.

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 5 to 12 years.

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Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I want to chat with you about this awesome book called Where Did I Really Come From? It’s a little Australian gem that came out in 2008, and it’s all about where babies come from. Let me give you a quick rundown of what’s inside.

First off, this book is super straightforward and medical. It covers everything from sexual intercourse to donor insemination, IVF, pregnancy, birth, surrogacy, and adoption. It’s got all the facts you need!

The book starts by explaining how babies start to grow, giving you a little info on what’s needed to make a baby. It talks about the ovum and the sperm, and how they come together. There are even pictures to help illustrate the process, including a drawing of a penis. Now, I’m not sure if kids fully understand drawings like this, but it’s in there if you think it’s appropriate for your child.

The book also covers topics like donor insemination and IVF, and it’s great because it acknowledges that sometimes these methods don’t always work. It’s important for kids to understand that it’s not always easy to have a baby, especially if they have siblings who were conceived through these methods.

As the book goes on, it explains how the baby grows inside the mother’s womb. It shows pictures of the baby’s development, including the size of their hand at different stages. It’s really informative and gives a good understanding of what’s happening during each month of pregnancy.

And of course, the book also talks about birthing, including both vaginal birth and Caesarean sections. It even touches on surrogacy and adoption, showing that there are different ways to become a parent.

Now, I wouldn’t recommend reading this book to a three or four-year-old, but for older kids, like my seven-year-old, it’s perfect. It’s a factual book that presents the information in a clear and age-appropriate way.

So, if you’re looking for a book that covers all the different ways babies are made and where they come from, Where Did I Really Come From? is a great choice. I hope this review helps you out. Cheers!

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