All About Friends by Felicity Brooks

Book Review

A short overview of this book

All About Friends by Felicity Brooks is a lovely book for young children about friendships.

This is what the Publisher has to say…

Why do we need friends? How can we make friends? And what makes a good friend? This charmingly illustrated book explores the benefits of having friends, looking at different types of friendships, and what happens when friends fall out and make up. Includes helpful notes for grown-ups on talking to children about friendships, dealing with conflicts and imaginary friends.

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 3 to 5 years.

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Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak, your friendly Sex Ed Rescue guide. Today, I want to talk to you about a fantastic book for children all about friends and friendship. It’s called All About Friends by Felicity Brooks, and it’s published by Usborne.

Now, I absolutely love using books as a tool for sex education because they make those important conversations so much easier and more enjoyable. This particular book is perfect for helping kids understand the value of friendship and how to build strong relationships. It covers topics like why we need friends, how to make good friends, and what qualities make a great friend. It’s all about teaching kids the ins and outs of different relationships, because one day, they might even have romantic friendships or relationships of their own.

Let me tell you, the artwork in this book is absolutely gorgeous! Felicity Brooks has really done a fantastic job. And what I appreciate most about Usborne books is that they’re always inclusive. They make sure to represent all kinds of people and families, which is so important in today’s world.

Inside, you’ll find lots of little pictures and examples that kids can relate to. It’s a great resource for helping them navigate the sometimes tricky world of friendships. As kids get older, they might encounter bullying or other challenges in the playground, and this book can really help them understand what makes a good friend and how to handle difficult situations.

I have to say, there aren’t many books out there that specifically address this topic, so All About Friends is truly a gem. Usborne books are widely available in Australia, and they’re super affordable too. I’ve personally bought many of them for my own children because they cover important topics in a way that kids can easily understand.

I hope you find this recommendation helpful. Cheers!

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