Boys & Sex by Peggy Orenstein

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Boys & Sex – Young men on hookups, love, porn, consent, and navigating the new masculinity by Peggy Orenstein is essential reading for parents. If you want to grow up boys that you will one day be proud of, then read this book as it opens your eyes to the culture they are growing up in. Plus it will give you ideas on what conversations you should be having to guide them through adolescence.

This is a book that should be on every parent’s bookshelf!

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for parents of tweens and teens.

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✅ Buy a copy of Boys & Sex – Young men on hookups, love, porn, consent, and navigating the new masculinity by Peggy Orenstein from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! Cath Hak here from Sex Ed Rescue, and I’ve got something really cool to share with you. It’s a book that I recently stumbled upon, and I think it’s a must-read for parents of teenagers. Trust me, it’s a game-changer!

The book I’m talking about is called Boys and Sex: Young Men on Hookups, Love, Porn, Consent, and Navigating the New Masculinity by Peggy Orenstein. I actually gave it to my 16-year-old daughter, and I think it’s something all teens should read. This book dives deep into the impact of porn and sexualization on our kids’ relationships, and it’s eye-opening.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – a thick, big book can be intimidating, right? But here’s the thing, despite its size, it’s actually a really easy read. Peggy Orenstein does an amazing job of sharing stories from her interviews with teenagers, which keeps you engaged and wanting to learn more. Plus, she breaks it all down and explains everything in a fantastic way. It’s like learning while being totally captivated by the stories.

Whether you have a teenage boy or girl, this book is invaluable. As a parent of a boy, it gives me insight into what my son will face as he grows up. And as a mother of a girl, it helps me understand where the boys she interacts with are coming from. There’s actually another book for girls too, and let me tell you, the covers are absolutely gorgeous!

You’ll be happy to know that these books are pretty popular, so you can easily find them in most libraries. I’m actually on the lookout to get my own copy because I think they’re books that every parent should have on their bookshelf. Especially as our kids become tweens and then teens, these books will help us have those important conversations and be on the same page as our kids during this crucial time in their lives.

I hope this little review was helpful for you. And sorry about the glare in the video, the sun can be quite a pain sometimes! But seriously, give these books a shot. They’ll give you the insights and tools you need to navigate the world of love, sex, and relationships with your teenagers. Cheers!

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