Neither by Airlie Anderson

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Neither by Airlie Anderson is a lovely book that can help non-binary and transgender children to understand that there is a place in the world for all us.

What I like about this book is that it suggests to children that you don’t have to play with people because they are like you, but that you can play with people because they are different to you.

So this is a nice simple book that encourages children to be accepting of diversity. And it helps gender-diverse children to understand that there is a place in the word for them too and that there is nothing wrong with being different.

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 3 to 6 years.

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✅ Buy a copy of Neither by Airlie Anderson from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak, and welcome to Sex Ed Rescue. It’s my website where I help parents find an easier way to have those important conversations about love, sex, relationships, and growing up. And guess what? I also review books because they make sex education a whole lot easier. Why make things hard when you can do it the easy way, right?

So, let’s talk about this awesome book called Neither by Airlie Anderson. I was thrilled to find it at my local library. I’m always on the lookout for great books, but let’s face it, I can’t buy them all or I’d be living on the streets! So, libraries are my go-to for expanding my collection.

Now, let’s dive into the book. It’s all about fitting in or not fitting in, and the importance of inclusion. It’s perfect for conversations with kids who are nonbinary or maybe even trans. You know, those kids who don’t identify strictly as a girl or a boy. They might feel like they’re both, or maybe they swing back and forth, or even identify as something completely different. This book helps them navigate those feelings.

The story starts by showing a world where everything is categorized as this or that, with lots of similarities. But then, something extraordinary happens. A creature is born that’s part rabbit, part bird, and it doesn’t fit into those categories. The others say, You can’t play, you can’t join in. So, this unique creature sets off to find a place where it belongs.

Eventually, it lands in a new place, full of different kinds of creatures, and they’re all welcomed with open arms. It’s a beautiful message of inclusivity. But then, the two creatures from the binary world, the ones with blue rabbits and yellow birds, come back and say they’re looking for someone else. The unique creature reminds them that they said it didn’t fit in and should go elsewhere. But they respond by saying, This isn’t somewhere else, this is a land for all, and everyone fits in. It’s a powerful message that everyone is welcome.

Books like Neither are so important because they help children understand that being different is totally okay. It might be others who are different, or it might be them, but the key is embracing diversity. Imagine living in a world where everyone looks the same, thinks the same, and says the same things. Boring, right? We want kids to celebrate diversity and appreciate the differences in people and in themselves.

I hope this review was helpful and gave you a glimpse into the wonderful messages this book shares. Cheers!

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