Empathy by Jayneen Sanders (Little Big Chats)

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Empathy by Jayneen Sanders (Little Big Chats) is a lovely book for talking to young children about empathy. Showing empathy to another person is a learnt trait, and one we can nurture in our children from a young age through modelling, stories such as this, and ongoing discussions.

This book belongs to the Little BIG Chats series, which consists of 12 books that have been written to help parents to start talking about important topics. There’s a discussion guide at the back, with some pages of the book including helpful questions to ask your child as you read.

I really like this approach of a topic a book, and they would be a fantastic collection of books to have. It would be very easy to read a different one of these each night with your children.

There are 12 books in the Little BIG Chats series:

The Body Safety titles should ideally be read in the following order: Consent, My Safety Network, My Early Warning Signs, Private Parts are Private, and Secrets and Surprises. The remaining titles can be read in any order.

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 2 to 6 years.

Buy this book

✅ Buy a copy of Empathy by Jayneen Sanders (Little Big Chats) from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there!

I’m Cath Hakanson, and welcome to Sex Ed Rescue. This is the place where I help parents find an easier way to have those important conversations with their kids. And guess what? I also review lots of books because they make your job as a parent so much easier. Plus, they’re a fantastic way to teach, communicate, and connect with our children. So today, I want to talk about a book from the Little Big Chat series called Empathy, Exploring the Meaning of Empathy and Kindness by Janine Sanders.

First off, let me tell you how to use this book effectively. It’s all about starting conversations and helping your kid learn. The story revolves around a child named Asha, who introduces us to the concept of empathy and kindness. You see, some kids are naturally empathetic, while others might need a little nudge in that direction. That’s where books like this come in handy. They encourage children to think about things from someone else’s perspective. For example, if your kid does something, you can ask them, How do you think that made your friend feel? It’s an important attribute to develop, especially as kids grow older and start navigating relationships. We want them to have healthy relationships, right? Well, empathy plays a big role in that. It’s all about treating people with respect and understanding their feelings.

The book goes on to explain why empathy is important. It shows kids that when someone is sad or hurt, it’s crucial to be kind and show empathy. It also touches on situations where someone might feel shy or left out, like when a new kid joins their school. You can use these examples to keep the conversation going with your child. And hey, it even suggests that if you see an adult who looks busy or stressed, maybe you could lend a helping hand. Empathy isn’t just about understanding others; it’s about showing that you care. And guess what? It can make you feel happy too! Imagine that, making the world a nicer place one act of empathy at a time.

To wrap it all up, the book ends with some discussion questions to extend the conversation with your child. It’s a great way to keep the empathy and kindness vibes going strong.

So there you have it, a wonderful book about empathy that can help you and your child explore this important topic together. Happy reading and happy conversations!

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