Respect. Everything a Guy Needs to Know About Sex, Love and Consent by Inti Chavez Perez

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Respect. Everything a Guy Needs to Know About Sex, Love and Consent by Inti Chavez Perez is an essential book that every teenage boy needs to read. It’s a straightforward and accessible guide that will help boys to navigate sex, relationships, consent, gender identity, sexual orientation, sexual health and more.

I really liked this book as it has an underlying principle of respect, and is written to help teenage boys to grow up to be good men.

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for teenagers aged 16 to 18 years.

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✅ Buy a copy of Respect. Everything a Guy Needs to Know About Sex, Love and Consent by Inti Chavez Perez from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hakanson, and welcome to Sex Ed Rescue. I’m all about helping parents have those important conversations with their kids about love, sex, and relationships. One of the ways I do that is by reviewing books, because let’s face it, books are an amazing resource when it comes to sex education. So, I stumbled upon this book called Respect: Everything a Guy Needs to Know about Sex, Love, and Consent by Anti Chavez Perez. Sorry if I mispronounced the name!

This book caught my attention because it’s specifically written for boys by a guy, which is pretty cool. It covers a lot of topics that I used to get asked about on my YouTube channel, like questions about body image, penis size, and all that stuff. So, I was really impressed with the content.

Inside the book, you’ll find a wealth of information. It covers heterosexual and gay sex, as well as topics like pornography and sexting. What I love about it is that it takes a practical approach and offers a European perspective.

The book is filled with lots of little pages packed with information. It even has these handy grey boxes that highlight important points. For example, it talks about flirting and how to recognize it. It also covers everything below the belt, from penis size to hygiene. And it addresses the unrealistic expectations set by porn, reminding readers that what they see on screen isn’t always the reality.

The book goes beyond just the physical aspects of sex. It delves into emotions, love, and relationships. It covers topics like dating, breaking up, and how to be respectful in a group setting. It even explores different sexual orientations, including bisexuality.

Now, I have a son myself, and I’m definitely getting him a copy of this book. It’s such a respectful and informative resource. Even if your teen doesn’t want to read it, you can read it yourself and use it as a starting point for conversations. As parents, we want our kids to grow up to be respectful and have healthy relationships, right? Well, this book can help with that.

So, if you have a teenage son, I highly recommend checking out Respect. It’s a book that can make those important conversations a whole lot easier. Trust me, it’s worth it.


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