What Does Consent Really Mean? book by Pete Wallis and Thalia Wallis

Book Review

A short overview of this book

What Does Consent Really Mean? book by Pete Wallis and Thalia Wallis is a fantastic little book for teens that simply outlines sexual consent.

A comic-style book about sexual consent for teens! It is fantastic! And has an amazing resource list at the back! So, if you are wanting to talk with your child about sexual consent (and it’s many nuances) then this is the book to have! I love it!!!!! Porn and sexting are both discussed.

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 14 to 16 years.

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✅ Buy a copy of What Does Consent Really Mean? book by Pete Wallis and Thalia Wallis from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! Cath Hak from Sex Ed Rescue here, and I just had to share my excitement about this amazing book I came across in 2017. It’s called What Does Consent Really Mean? and let me tell you, it’s a game-changer for teens.

Now, I’m usually cautious about buying books without checking them out first, because let’s face it, books can be expensive. But this one caught my eye, and I couldn’t resist. And boy, am I glad I bought it!

First off, let me tell you about the authors, Pete Wallis and Thalia Wallis. I don’t know if they’re related, but they sure know their stuff. This book is like a cool cartoon guide, which I absolutely love. But what really blew me away is the wealth of resources it provides.

At the back of the book, you’ll find all these fantastic English resources on topics like pornography, texting, and nudes. They even give you ideas for questions to ask and where to find more information and great resources. Plus, they cover important subjects like positive sex, media influence, and resilience. It’s seriously comprehensive!

The book starts with a story about four girls, and it doesn’t specify their age, but that’s not important. What matters is the conversation they have about consent. They’re walking home from school, and one of them receives a message on her phone about a new girl who moved to their school because she was raped. Some of the girls respond insensitively, but others step up and question the situation.

They decide to grab a coffee and dive into the topic of consent. It’s amazing to see how their perspectives evolve as they discuss what consent really means. They even whip out their phones and Google it, which I think is fantastic!

Throughout the book, the girls share personal experiences and memories that highlight the nuances of sexual consent. They talk about situations where they felt unsure or pressured, and it’s so relatable. The book also gives a balanced view by including the boys’ perspective and the pressures they face.

One particular scene stands out where the girls encounter the boys in the park. They touch on the topic of sending nudes, and one girl recalls a coercive experience with her boyfriend. When she tries to change the subject, the boys persist, but she stands her ground and firmly says, Stop. It’s a powerful moment that shows the importance of setting boundaries.

What I really appreciate about this book is that it doesn’t just tell you what consent is, but it also shows you how to put it into practice. At the end, the girls send different messages to their partners. One supports a girl who has been raped, while another tells her partner to delete a compromising photo. It’s a great way to demonstrate healthy communication and respect.

As a parent and an educator, this book is a goldmine. It’s given me valuable insights into how to talk about consent with teenagers. I wish I had this resource when I was growing up! It’s a fantastic tool for starting important conversations.

Oh, and did I mention the resource list at the back? It’s incredible! I’m already tracking down the authors to see if they have more books planned. We need more resources like this to help us navigate these crucial conversations with our kids.

I hope this review helps you understand just how amazing What Does Consent Really Mean? is. Trust me, it’s a must-have for anyone looking to educate teens about consent.


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