Guide to Sex Education for 15 Year Olds | Expert Advice & Resources

Picture depicting a parent and their 15-year-old child learning about sexual health together

Hey there! Welcome to our blog post, specially crafted to provide you with sex education information tailored to your amazing fifteen year old. We totally get that tackling the world of sex education can feel overwhelming, especially when you want to make sure the content is relevant and age-appropriate for your child’s current stage of development.

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! This guide is here to make things easier by curating a collection of blog posts and resources specifically focused on starting sex education with fifteen year olds. You can trust that the content we’ve gathered is just right for your teen’s needs at this important time in their life.

We understand that every child is unique, but they all go through similar stages of development. The resources you’ll find here will empower you to support your child as they navigate their way towards young adulthood while staying true to your values.

As your fifteen year old transitions into becoming a young adult, they’re gaining new skills and taking on more responsibilities. School can be a whirlwind of experiences and challenges, but it’s also a time when they start asserting their independence and growing more confident in themselves.

Now, we know that at this age, your teenager might think they have it all figured out. They may even act like they know everything there is to know! It’s not uncommon for them to display an attitude of rebellion mixed with newfound confidence. We understand that navigating these dynamics can be quite challenging for parents or caregivers like yourself.

And guess what? As you celebrate their sixteenth birthday, šŸŽ‚ we’ll be right here by your side providing you with sex education information appropriate for sixteen year olds too!

So let’s dive in together and embark on this exciting journey of sex education for your remarkable fifteen year old! We’re here to support you every step of the way. Let’s get started! šŸŽ‰

Unsure of what sex education is all about?

Watch Back to Basics my FREE webinar that will tell you what sex ed is, why you need to do it, what might stop you from talking, what to talk about and how to get started.

A 12 minute read on what sex education is all about.

Watch this Parent Masterclass to learn what to expect and how to develop key skills in sex education.

Got some last-minute doubts about sex education?

Read this blogpost as it will address your fears about sex education.

Read this blogpost as it explains the benefits of sex education, and how these conversations will empower and protect your child (instead of harm them).

And if youā€™re worried that youā€™ve left it too late to start? Then relax, as you havenā€™t. As now is better than never. But you are going to have to work harder, as you will need to reestablish their trust and get them used to you suddenly wanting to talk about love, sex and relationships.

Missed out on sex education yourself? Or already forgotten what you were taught at school?

Watch this Parent Masterclass as itā€™s the Adult Edition of Sex Ed and itā€™ll update you as to what you need to know about safe sex, STIs, contraception, dating and more!

Unsure of what sexual behaviour to expect in your teen? And whatā€™s normal?

Read this blogpost about healthy sexual development in children and the different behaviours you might see in your 15 year old.

Watch this Parent Masterclass to learn how to understand and support healthy sexual development in your teen.

Unsure of what sexual values and beliefs to share with your 15 year old?

Read this blogpost to learn how to talk to teens about sexual values and beliefs.

Use this WorkBook to help you decide which sexual values are relevant and what you could share with your teen now.

Unsure of how to start sex-ed conversations? Or the different ways to have a conversation?

Here are all the blogposts that explain the different sex education strategies for starting conversations with your teen.

Unsure of what to talk about with your 15 year old?

Read this blogpost as it explains some of the different topics you can talk about with your teen.

Read this blogpost to find simple ways to talk to your teen aboutĀ consent. Grappling with consent? Learn how to educate your child about giving ā€“ and asking for ā€“ consent in this popularĀ crash course about consent.

Unsure of how to talk about masturbation?

Watch this Parent Masterclass to learn how to talk to your teen about masturbation. It will help you to talk about pleasure and how to handle requests for sex toys.

Unsure of how to respond when your teen is curious about diversity in genitals?

Curiosity about the differences between penises and vulvas is common (as they worry that theirs arenā€™t ā€˜normalā€™), so hereā€™s my resource list about diversity in genitals.

Need to talk about online porn? Or sending nude pics?

Grab my Parent Masterclass on what to do when your teen has seen porn as it will walk you through what to do.

Start talking to your child about online porn in an age-appropriate way that helps them to make smart decisions with the Porn Talk Course.

Keep your devices safe for your child by doing a step-by-step check on every device in your house with this Tech Check Workbook.

Look at my Pornography 101 page to learn more about how to protect your teen from online porn, including information about parental controls and sexting.

Got a teen who is uninterested in talking with you about love, sex and relationships?

Read this blogpost as it will give you some tips on what to do when theyā€™re not interested, plus it will inspire you to not give up!

Worried about something your teen is doing?

Look at this page as it has over 30 of the most common concerns parents have about their kids that are relevant to sex education.

Watch this Parent Masterclass on what to do when you are worried about sexual behaviour in your teen.

Unsure of what books to read? Or videos to watch?

Read this blogpost to find sex education books that are suitable for 15 year olds.

My favourite ten best sex education books that includes books for older teens!

Sex education parenting books to help with starting these conversations.

My sex education video resources page.

Wishing you had a community of like-minded parents who wonā€™t think you are weird for wanting to do sex education?

Join that parent group. My free Facebook group where parents help each other with sex education!

Content I have found that is created specifically for older teens (but also great for informing yourself).

Whatā€™s OK? ā€“ A free American site that is both a website and a helpline that offers free confidential support and resources to youth and young adults (ages 14-21) with concerns about their own or a friendā€™s sexual thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. This is a site that gives them answers to questions they would usually be too ashamed to ask. These are some of their most common questions and I think all teens should know it exists:

  • Is this normal sexual behavior? Is it safe?
  • Is what Iā€™m attracted to ā€œnormalā€?
  • What do I do if my sexual behaviors have harmed someone?
  • What do I do if Iā€™m worried about someone elseā€™s sexual interests or behaviors?
  • What kind of help is available if Iā€™m struggling with safe sexual behaviors or worried about my attractions?
  • Where can I find help if Iā€™ve been sexually abused?
  • How can I stay safe in online relationships?
  • How do I ask for help?

The Line – An Australian site that helps young people (14+) have healthy, happy and respectful relationships, and avoid behaviours that hurt, intimidate or diminish others. They have content for parents and it is essential reading for all parents of teens!

Info for Young People ā€“ A list of Australian resources that have been curated by Vanessa Hamilton from Talking The Talk Healthy Sexuality Education.

BISH ā€“ An English website that has fantastic information for teens aged 14+.

In the Know ā€“ A New Zealand resource for 13+ teens that educates them about online porn.

Scarleteen ā€“ An American website that has information for older teens about sexuality.

Anyway, that should get you started with teaching your child about sex in a non-awkward, shame-free and natural way! And this is where you can find the other age-by-age sex education guides.

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