The best sex education books for 4 year olds

father reading sex education books for 4 year olds chidlren

There are some fantastic sex education books for 4 year olds that will help you with talking to your child about the birds and bees or the facts of life.

Especially if you have a 4 year old who is starting to ask questions about where babies come from or how babies are made!

Books can help with answering some of these trickier conversations. They have pictures that will engage your child and age-appropriate information that your child will understand.

You will find a wide range of sex education books for 4 year olds in this list, that will help you to talk with your child about absolutely anything to do with sex education.

You’ll find some books about pregnancy and where babies come from. Most (if not all) of the books about where babies come from don’t talk about sexual intercourse. Instead, they just explain that a baby comes from inside the mummy and that it takes a part from a male and a female to make a baby.

You’ll also find books that name the private body parts, as well as talk about diversity, cybersafety, pornography, body safety, families, gender and much, much more!

If it is a particular topic that you’re interested in, then you’ll find books by the topic in the main list of Sex Education Books for Children. And if you’re looking for a book for a different aged child, then you’ll want to look at the age-appropriate list of sex education books.

Now, if you reach a point of overwhelm, then you’ll want to have a look at my list of favourite sex education books. These are the books that I always seem to be recommending to parents. CLICK HERE to look at the 10 best sex education books.

If you want to learn more about getting started with sex education for 4 year olds, then you should look at this age-specific sex education guide for four year olds.

You’ll find more information about sex education in my Sex Education 101 page.

NOTE: Before passing any book to your child or reading the book with your child, you should read it yourself first. I might think it is a great book for a certain age child or that the information is valuable, but you may disagree. You need to choose books that reflect your values and the messages you want your child to receive.

Sex education books for 4 year olds

Body safety

Protective behaviours

Transgender & non binary

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These are some of the many sex education books for 4 year olds that have been written. As I find more, I will add them to this list. They are all really good books that kids can read to find reliable and accurate information about love, sex and relationships. Plus they will help prepare you too!

Happy reading!

Resources to help with talking about puberty

My mission is to create resources that will help you to naturally talk to your kids about sex, all while respecting your personal values.

Which means that inside this website, you’ll find lots of resources to help you with talking to your child about puberty.

My Sex Ed 101 page includes all of the information on sex education. You’ll find lots of different blog posts to help you gain a better understandign of what sex education is all about.

You’ll find videos about sex education in my Sex Education Videos resource page that you can watch with your child or to learn more about sex education yourself.

You’ll also find an extensive range of children’s sex education books, for kids of all ages. 

If you’re unsure about how to answer your child’s questions about sex, then I have the perfect book for you! The Sex Education Answer Book will give you age-specific answers to the most common questions kid’s ask parents about sex. Which means you don’t need to worry about finding a child-friendly explanation that your child understands. 

If you need some help with explaining sexual intercourse to your child, then you may like my Masterclass on explaining sex for the very first time or my parent guide will also help you explain sex to your child in a way they will understand. It breaks sex down into simple steps that take the stress out of explaining!

Plus you will find plenty more sex education resources at the Sex Ed Shop.

And if you get stuck, feel free to get in touch! You can contact me here.

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